Ubuntu should take a lead in the implementation of Graphite, http://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&cat_id=RenderingGraphite, at the OS-level, with access enabled by OpenOffice and other programs. A beta OOo is available with Graphite built-in at http://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&id=OOo_20_graphite. However the real goal is to enable implementation at OS-levels as well, so that complex fonts may be rendered regardless of what program is installed. I think it would really be worth it for Ubuntu to do this, and I believe SIL wouldn't be unlikely to take some interest if asked. : ) I also believe that Ubuntu should do some OOo work and then contribute upstream if it can, or use its notoriety to get something done; inputting accents, tildes, and other odd-marks for Spanish, Portuguese, Greek, and other languages is near-impossible from the keyboard in OOo on any OS, while MS Office has simple key combinations...though some are assinine. But duplicating these and NOT requiring the user to re-learn it could speed fantastic adoption among language workers, linguists, and students who study foreign languages.