Wallpaper competition meets Free Culture Showcase

Registered by Ivanka Majic

Two cycles and two sets of great wallpapers. Can we extend to video and music?

Blueprint information

Not started
Ivanka Majic
Needs approval
Kenneth Wimer
Series goal:
Accepted for maverick
Milestone target:
milestone icon ubuntu-10.10-beta

Related branches



== Free Culture Showcase ==

* Brief: Light, freedom, open
* colour as inspiration: include the new colour palette as a bonus, not a limitation risk that this could be seen as a limitation?
 *photos: stays in flickr http://www.flickr.com/groups/ubuntu-artwork/
 *illustrative wallpapers: deviantart: http://ubuntu-free-culture.deviantart.com/ -> http://ubuntu-artists.deviantart.com/gallery/25667683
 *video: went for vimeo.com as blip.tv doesn't seem to do groups easily. http://vimeo.com/groups/ubuntufreecultureshowcase
 *music: http://soundcloud.com/groups/ubuntu-free-culture-showcase

 *sound theme: set out as a separate brief. should we expect the people who come up with good sounds to be able to make the sound theme?

Canonical employees can contribute.

* Where shall we collect stuff?
* What tools do we recommend and where can people find help?
 * Inkscape(thorwil, kwwii), blender, gimp/filmgimp(thorwil, kwwii), Krita, MyPaint
 * Audacity, Ardour(thorwil), PureData, Bristol synths, Jamin (i.e. please master)
* Encourage participation and collaboration
* Roadmap: dates
* How we will talk about it: channels
 * Artwork wiki
* Where announcements will be made
 * http://createdigitalmusic.com/ (?)
 * puredata list, super collider list, LAD list
 * Linux Audio Users List
 * OMG Ubuntu
 * Design.canonical.com
 * wiki.ubuntu.com
* Deadlines:
 - alpha 2 for final submissions
 - inclusion in first beta
 - sound theme will run a separate timeline

Work items for maverick-alpha-2:
[michaelforrest] Investigate Jamendo.com playlist feature: POSTPONED
[cjcurran] Choose events which are relevant: TODO
[themuso] Choose events which are relevant: TODO
[cjcurran] Find some more people who use Pure data and open source tools for audio production (harrison mix bus !, Ardour, SuperCollider Paul Davis, RoseGarden): DONE
[ivanka] investigate size limitations of free accounts : DONE
[ivanka] document (including hosting etc) and announce, talk to greg-g and jorge: DONE
[iainfarrell] separate out sound contest to a separate blueprint - can be found here https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/design-m-sound-theme : DONE

Work items for maverick-alpha-3:
[kwwii] to replace the 'space' bundle with one from the photos : TODO
[jono] to contact Trent Reznor : TODO
[jono] contact chris at id software: TODO
[dashua] chase radiohead: TODO
[kwwii] remove current example-content (slides and things) : DONE

Tag to use: #freeculture


Work Items

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