Xorg Intel/Canonical Bug Process
Registered by
Bryce Harrington
This will be a semi-private session for discussion of how we can improve collaboration between Intel and Canonical on bugs, including both customer issues and escalation of key issues reported by the community.
* Discussion of the reporting process
* How to best involve Intel's OSV team
* What's working / What's not --> Process improvement
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Complete
- Approver:
- Bryce Harrington
- Priority:
- High
- Drafter:
- Bryce Harrington
- Direction:
- Needs approval
- Assignee:
- Bryce Harrington
- Definition:
- Obsolete
- Series goal:
- None
- Implementation:
- Deferred
- Milestone target:
- None
- Started by
- Completed by
- Bryce Harrington
ryce 2009-06-03: Unfortunately no session was scheduled for this discussion at UDS, but we'll proceed with the established process and hope for the best.