Enable Century USB Screen
During the sprint I received a Century USB monitor device thingee from Persia which needs to have X support added for it.
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Complete
- Approver:
- Martin Pitt
- Priority:
- Low
- Drafter:
- Emmet Hikory
- Direction:
- Needs approval
- Assignee:
- Emmet Hikory
- Definition:
- Obsolete
- Series goal:
- Accepted for lucid
- Implementation:
Not started
- Milestone target:
- None
- Started by
- Completed by
- Martin Pitt
Related branches
Related bugs
Work items:
Identify kernel drivers required for Century USB Screen hardware: DONE
Switch xf86-video-
Rename xf86-video-
Test to ensure Century USB Screen hardware works properly with final version of package: POSTPONE
File a Main Inclusion Request for xserver-
Add xserver-
Add mention of this new driver to ReleaseNotes: POSTPONE
Add info about the new -displaylink driver to wiki.ubuntu.
pitti, 2010-02-10:
- approved as a target of opportunity for lucid final; it does not sound particularly intrusive for other hardware, so we do not need to push it as early as possible (thus not milestoning)
bryce, 2010-04-14:
- I did not get time to work on implementing this detection system, as my Lucid X duties kept me fully booked throughout the release. However I've written up my thoughts on what would need to be done on the attached wiki page. It seems like a lot of coding work.
persia, 2010-04-20:
- discovered that the spec actions were assigned to me. POSTPONED them all as I don't have hardware to test for lucid (plus it's *really* late)