Shaping a strategy for Ubuntu user assistance
Documentation plays an important part in the success of software projects, and the Ubuntu documentation team is committed to evolving our approaches to provide Ubuntu users, developers, and OEMs with effective user help and an effective user help framework.
Part of doing that is recognizing that user help can't exist in a silo. This session is designed to facilitate input from those involved in, or working on the periphery of, the documentation team (e.g., designers, server team members, uTouch developers, those interested in a11y, translation team members, packaging team folks, those working with OEMs, web admins, etc.) to shape a long-term Ubuntu help strategy.
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Started
- Approver:
- Ubuntu Documentation Committers
- Priority:
- Undefined
- Drafter:
- Jim Campbell
- Direction:
- Needs approval
- Assignee:
- Ubuntu Documentation Committers
- Definition:
- Pending Approval
- Series goal:
- Proposed for oneiric
- Implementation:
- Started
- Milestone target:
- oneiric-alpha-2
- Started by
- Jim Campbell
- Completed by
Moved all prior comments on this page to: https:/
Current page will be used for tracking the progress of the blueprint.
Work items:
[jwcampbell] Place bzr branch of strategy document on Launchpad: DONE
[jwcampbell] Complete draft of the strategy document: INPROGRESS
[jwcampbell] Put draft of document on a subpage of the docs team wiki page: TODO
[jwcampbell] Send note requesting feedback on the document to the docs team: TODO
[jwcampbell] Put draft of strategy document on the open source hub of ATC and solicit feedback: TODO
[jwcampbell] Write short blog post for the planet to solicit feedback via the docs team mailing list: TODO
[jwcampbell] Get feedback from doc committer and contributor teams: TODO
[jwcampbell] Incorporate changes into the draft version of the strategy document: TODO
[jwcampbell] Write up docs-team blog post about the final strategy document: TODO