I have three accessibility items.
First, I'd like to drop the HighContrastInverse & LowContrast themes.
GNOME dropped support for these two themes late this cycle and they
can no longer be set in an unpatched gnome-control-
that this one theme will be significantly better than trying to
support three mediocre themes. I hacked in support for these themes
for 3.6.0 in Ubuntu 12.10 but gnome-themes-
building for me yet with the hack.
The two dropped themes aren't really terribly usable anyway, and
unless someone steps up to maintain them, it's not worth the headache
to try to keep them building.
My second item is a requested feature. It would be really great if
Unity would support the zoom and color effects built in to GNOME 3.6.
By setting inverse or adjusting the brightness/contrast this way, all
apps (even web pages in your web browser) will respect your color
And finally, Unity includes a mostly hidden accessibility status menu.
It's probably a good thing it's hidden as it's almost useless at the
moment. I filed bug http://
replacement be designed and included in 13.04.
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Not started
- Approver:
- Sebastien Bacher
- Priority:
- Low
- Drafter:
- Jeremy Bícha
- Direction:
- Needs approval
- Assignee:
- Luke Yelavich
- Definition:
- New
- Series goal:
- Accepted for raring
- Implementation:
- Milestone target:
- None
- Started by
- Completed by
HighContrastInverse & LowContrast have been dropped by GNOME
Color & zoom effects for Unity
Unity could support the zoom and color effects built in to GNOME 3.6.
By setting inverse or adjusting the brightness/contrast this way, all
apps (even web pages in your web browser) will respect your color
Accessibility menu
mpt offered to design new a11y dialog/
Ui work for color/zoom options could be easier if we hook 3.6 gnome-control-
We'll likely be sticking with gnome-control-
Work Items
Work items:
[jbicha] to drop the extra a11y themes once gnome-control-
[jbicha] Investigate colour effects in GNOME 3.6 to see how these can be used to replace themes being dropped by GNOME: POSTPONED
[popey] chase up ezoom of non-desktop components (panel / launcher etc) - not finished, multimonitor breaks it - check with Alan Bell - also check for crosshair stuff like gnome-zoom2.png: POSTPONED
[popey] check colour effects in compiz to match up with gnome-zoom3.png - check it works with Unity: POSTPONED
[themuso] - ensure accessibility profiles updated to not use non-working themes: DONE
[themuso] - investigate keyboard shortcuts to invoke usability infrastructure tools (such as orca): POSTPONED