Kubuntu Packaging for Raring
Discuss packaging changes/work for raring.
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Started
- Approver:
- Kubuntu Council
- Priority:
- Essential
- Drafter:
- None
- Direction:
- Approved
- Assignee:
- None
- Definition:
- Approved
- Series goal:
- Accepted for raring
- Implementation:
- Started
- Milestone target:
- ubuntu-13.04-beta-1
- Started by
- Jonathan Riddell
- Completed by
Qt 5 - https:/
KDE Frameworks 5?
plasma media centre
owncloud - security wibble
kio_mtp : Uploaded to https:/
QtKOAuth, libpgf : optional deps for Digikam
Updated Synaptiks
plasma media centre packages by Angel Mendoza <reves.yo.soy.121@ gmail.com> in ppa:blueleaflin
KDevelop Plugins : http://
Work Items
Work items:
[fboudra] Get Qt5 packaged: INPROGRESS
[kubuntu-dev] Package KDE SC 4.10 Beta 1: DONE
[kubuntu-dev] Package KDE SC 4.10 Beta 2: DONE
[kubuntu-dev] Package KDE SC 4.10 RC 1: DONE
[kubuntu-dev] Package KDE SC 4.10 RC 2: DONE
[kubuntu-dev] Package KDE SC 4.10.0: DONE
[kubuntu-dev] Package KDE SC 4.10.1: DONE
[kubuntu-dev] Package KDE SC 4.10.2: TODO
[kubuntu-dev] package calligra 2.6 RC 1: DONE
[kitterman] package calligra 2.6 RC 2: DONE
[kitterman] package lcms 2.4: DONE
[kubuntu-dev] package calligra 2.6 with lcms 2.4: DONE
[kubuntu-dev] Investigate with Cédric Bellegarde about packaging appmenu kded (part of 4.10!): DONE
[kubuntu-dev] package KidMP, inform edubuntu incase they want it, feedback to agateau about build system: TODO
[quintasan] package homerun in archive, consider for inclusion on the ISO: DONE
[kitterman] ensure ktouchpadenabler is packaged and on the ISO as part of 4.10: DONE
[quintasan] check if Plasma Media Centre works and get into the archive (is in Kubuntu Experimental PPA): DONE
[kubuntu-dev] remove unsupported owncloud from the archive and coordinate with debian maintainer to ensure shipped version has security updates: INPROGRESS
[rohangarg] package kio-mtp and consider for inclusion on ISO (ScottK can test): DONE
[jr] investigate packaging Simon without proprietary library: DONE
[kubuntu-dev] review klook dophin integration and consider if ready for packaging (review kde-kfm thread) ... bloked upstream on problems with the dolphin patch and icon size, see kfm thread: DONE
[kubuntu-dev] package akonadi-social and dependencies: TODO
[kitterman] investigate synaptiks for updated version (none avail): DONE
[kubuntu-dev] package kcm_touchpad and compare against synaptiks for default (last update 2010, no good for default...): DONE
[kubuntu-dev] package and test afiestas' new display config tool (due for release with 4.10): DONE
[kubuntu-dev] Patches for QtScript crashes (on kde-packager): TODO
[kubuntu-dev] investigate packaging kdevelop plugins: TODO
[kubuntu-dev] investigate packaging libpgf: TODO
[kubuntu-dev] investigate packaging QtKOAuth: TODO
[kubuntu-dev] investigate packaging qaccessibilityc
[jr] investigate packaging plasmate: DONE
Dependency tree
* Blueprints in grey have been implemented.