Index-based Downloads Client Implementations
Registered by
Robbie Williamson
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Not started
- Approver:
- Robbie Williamson
- Priority:
- High
- Drafter:
- Michael Vogt
- Direction:
- Approved
- Assignee:
- Michael Vogt
- Definition:
- Approved
- Series goal:
- None
- Implementation:
- Milestone target:
- None
- Started by
- Completed by
Work items:
define format (config/plugin) that can be used to inject additional downloads: TODO
define way to limit it only to certain hosts/origins: TODO
add code in apt that actually downloads the additional files: TODO
ensure that the list-cleanup behavior is sane and no removal happens: TODO
ensure that the correct "index-file: yes" is passed to the backend method: TODO
Work Items
Dependency tree

* Blueprints in grey have been implemented.