autopkgtest/proposed-migration work
We moved to a cloud based proposed-migration autopkgtest setup in the last cycle (https:/
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Complete
- Approver:
- Steve Langasek
- Priority:
- Medium
- Drafter:
- Martin Pitt
- Direction:
- Needs approval
- Assignee:
- Martin Pitt
- Definition:
- Approved
- Series goal:
- Accepted for xenial
- Implementation:
- Milestone target:
- Started by
- Martin Pitt
- Completed by
- Martin Pitt
Related branches
Related bugs
Nested KVM
ubiquity testing docs: http://
✓ Our ScalingStack instances already use "-cpu host" or something similarly sane. /proc/cpuinfo does not show the "QEMU emulated CPU", but a proper "Intel Xeon". /dev/kvm in the instances works.
✓ I constructed a QEMU testbed (adt-buildvm-
✓ I ran the graphical autopilot installer tests [1] successfully locally in nested QEMU.
⚠ Running the graphical autopilot installer tests in ScalingStack fails because they can't checkout lp:ubiquity. This needs to happen via proxy; this can be done with adding a file autopilot/
the --override option, but I'm probably just missing something trivial there).
⚠ The host kernel spews out an awful amount of messages like
WARNING: CPU: 6 PID: 5998 at /build/
together with kernel stack traces. This causes /var/log/syslog and /var/log/kern.log to grow to several dozen GB in a few minutes. I worked around that by stopping syslog.service and syslog.socket before starting the test.
⚠ Once the two issues above have been dealt with, ubiquity tests run, but fail various autopilot checks. They work fine in local nested KVM, so that does smell like an environment issue.
armhf autopkgtests in Scalingstack
Need to launch containers with
--config raw.lxc=
--config "raw.lxc=
Can't set them both with this, this needs one unified command:
printf "lxc.aa_
Also need to lower the MTU to match the host:
lxc profile device remove default eth0
lxc profile device add default eth0 nic nictype=bridged parent=lxcbr0 mtu=1400
Work Items
Work items for ubuntu-15.11:
autopkgtest: set up apt pinning to minimize packages from -proposed (#1503150): DONE
britney: request individual test runs for every trigger (#1503150): DONE
set up ppc64el autopkgtesting on ScalingStack (RT #84975 (done), #85847 (worked around) or #85915 (fallback)): DONE
once ppc64el tests got moved, notify Michael Hohnbaum about decommissioning wolfe: DONE
learn how to set up local MaaS installation in LXC/QEMU: DONE
develop ssh setup script for MaaS: DONE
link administration wiki docs from autopkgtest.u.c.: DONE
test if nested KVM works in ScalingStack in general (yes, tested several autopkgtests): DONE
provide latest autopkgtest in trusty-backports, get permanent approval for that (#1513992): DONE
turn http://
debci: add list of packages with tests, with links to results and .dsc: DONE
figure out how to expose currently queued tests in AMQP, expose on running.shtml: DONE
add worker arguments and setup commands for multiple PPA apt sources: DONE
britney: Add passthrough option for "ppas" AMQP test requests, for CI train: DONE
Work items for ubuntu-15.12:
autopkgtest worker: generalize backend configuration to also apply to QEMU and MaaS: DONE
figure out firewall changes with IS for ProdStack <-> kernel team MaaS (RT#86742): DONE
set up LXC based autopkgtesting on s390, once hardware is available: DONE
test armhf containers in arm64 scalingstack instances (RT#86895): DONE
worker: run tests from bzr or git branch, expose in AMQP params (can't do checkouts on Prodstack due to Prodstack firewall policy, needs indirection via adt-run): DONE
autopkgtest: Add running tests directly from git: DONE
worker: param for passing additional environment vars to tests: DONE
britney: Directly link test result to log on swift: DONE
britney: with ADT_PPAS config option, search autopkgtest logs in appropriate swift container: DONE
Work items for ubuntu-16.01:
add SSL cert/conf to autopkgtest.
integrate autopkgtest-retrier into debci: DONE
add retry links to excuses.html (needs firewall change, RT#88162): DONE
Work items for ubuntu-16.02:
britney: add new hint for package/arch (for all versions): DONE
britney: support multiple hints for different versions/arches: DONE
britney: show overridden regressions more prominently: DONE
give ~canonical-
Work items for ubuntu-16.04:
demonstrate and automate armhf testing in ScalingStack through running lxd containers in an arm64 instances: DONE
britney: don't show tested package version (which is mostly wrong) on excuse lines with only "in progress" tests: DONE
britney: produce update_
Work items for ubuntu-16.08:
dpkg: record test dependencies in .dsc (#1491145): DONE
britney: trigger tests for Testsuite-Triggers: DONE
move running.shtml from "polls every 10s" daemon to on-demand cgi-bin: DONE
Work items for ubuntu-16.09:
autopkgtest-web: add back package browsing to title page: DONE
autopkgtest-web: add on-the-fly queues.json: DONE
autopkgtest-web: add back test list: DONE
autopkgtest-web: add back statistics (per-release statistics available now, more upon request): DONE
autopkgtest-web: hide browse.cgi URL part so that /packages URLs don't change: DONE
update documentation for debci → browse.cgi move: DONE
add "all-proposed" flag to request.cgi: DONE
Work items for ubuntu-16.10:
enable armhf testing in Scalingstack: DONE
change retry-autopkgte
provide request.cgi based script for github tests: DONE
Dependency tree

* Blueprints in grey have been implemented.