Q - Misc Kernel WI

Registered by Leann Ogasawara

This is a catch all blueprint to capture any Quantal misc work items for the kernel team.

Blueprint information

Leann Ogasawara
Leann Ogasawara
Leann Ogasawara
Series goal:
Accepted for quantal
Milestone target:
milestone icon ubuntu-12.10
Started by
Leann Ogasawara



Work Items

Work items for quantal-alpha-3:
[timg-tpi] Swtich default scheduler to Deadline for all flavors and archs in Quantal: DONE
[leannogasawara] Begin uploading quantal devel kernels to the ckt PPA instead of quantal-proposed: DONE
[apw] Add the pretty support matrix document to wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Release/Rolling: DONE
[herton] update shankbot to not flip status to released on tracking bugs if between 1800UTC Fri - 2100UTC Sun.  THIS MUST BE WELL DOCUMENTED: DONE
[herton] communicate to archive admins to not process/accept kernel packages on Fri/Sat/Sun: DONE
[apw] Document (ie wiki) ddeb generation and why enabling ddebs in our PPA was a BAD thing: DONE
[colin-king] Investigate SLUB vs SLAB (see: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~cking/slub-slab): DONE
[colin-king] test and write up how to use CONFIG_EARLY_PRINTK_DBGP (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Debugging/USBearlyprintk): DONE

Work items for ubuntu-12.10-beta-1:
[apw] x86_powernow_* are still not autoloadable? meh, I thought that was supposed to land in 3.5: DONE
[brad-figg] Update verify-release-ready scripts to be smarter wrt automatically opening tracking bugs for derivative kernels: DONE
[colin-king] write a test plan/test suite for ceph testing: DONE

Work items for ubuntu-12.10-beta-2:
[leannogasawara] Add documentation to describe linux-<flavor> meta package. Also, review all flavors to make sure they are consistent with linux-<flavor> dependencies etc.: DONE
[leannogasawara] Investigate enabling compile flag to fail a build for eg pointer/section(?) mismatches. currently possible on buildd’s. Inquire with rtg for additional background info: POSTPONED
[leannogasawara] follow up on idea of taking a snapshot of master-next to build and test with. This will provide feedback prior to uploading.: POSTPONED
[timg-tpi] integrate linux-firmware back into the kernel package: DONE

Work items for ubuntu-12.10:
[leannogasawara] Message loudly the support process for L-LTS backport kernels, ie users must install the rolling meta package to ensure they are rolled forward and not orphaned: POSTPONED
[apw] Investiage improvements for linux-tools packaging: POSTPONED

Dependency tree

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