Kernel Configuration Review

Registered by Andy Whitcroft

Review of the kernel confguration for Lucid. This will concentrate on confirming the policy for various option type, as well as new options. For major new options, discussion and confirmation of the selection of each.


Review of the kernel confguration for Lucid. This will concentrate on confirming the policy for various option type, as well as new options. For major new options, discussion and confirmation of the selection of each.

Work Items lucid-alpha-2:
[apw] Review security/core options for conformance to policy/recommendations:DONE
[apw] Record and Review New items:DONE
[apw] ubuntu -- apply config and security options to kernel:DONE
[apw] ports -- apply config and security options to kernel: DONE
[apw] Report on the results of the UDS review to ubuntu-devel:DONE
[apw] Create a new build check tool to check conformance of options: DONE

Work Items lucid-alpha-3:
[apw] Pull config enforcer over to 2.6.32 branches:DONE
[apw] Simplify debian abstraction for branches:DONE
[apw] Master config support from master branch in other branches:DROPPED

Work Items ubuntu-10.04-beta-1:
[apw] Review pulling all sub-systems to builtin [amber]:DONE
[apw] Review transitional packages for Hardy/Karmic to Lucid upgrades:DONE
[apw] Investigate packaging perf:DONE

Work Items ubuntu-10.04-beta-2:
[apw] Final kernel content and configuration report to ubuntu-devel: POSTPONED

Work Items ubuntu-10.04:
[apw] Final kernel content and configuration report to ubuntu-devel:DONE


Work Items

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