Fixing Bugs With Patches
Review of process identified at Karmic UDS for dealing with bugs with patches. Does the process outlined still make sense?
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Complete
- Approver:
- Marjo F. Mercado
- Priority:
- High
- Drafter:
- Brian Murray
- Direction:
- Approved
- Assignee:
- Brian Murray
- Definition:
- Approved
- Series goal:
- Accepted for lucid
- Implementation:
- Implemented
- Milestone target:
- ubuntu-10.04-beta-1
- Started by
- Marjo F. Mercado
- Completed by
- Brian Murray
2009-11-30 - changing implementation status to Not Started to reset it from being complete
Work items:
[james-w] Get in touch with Daniel Chen about Reviewers Team: DONE
[dholbach] Create ubuntu code reviewers team in Launchpad: DONE
[dholbach] Document process at https:/
[brian-murray] Write a script to subscribe the team to new bugs with patches: DONE
[brian-murray] Document new tag "patch-needswork" and "patch-refused" and add to the list and official bug tags: DONE
[brian-murray] Blog about process: DONE
[dholbach] Blog about progress: DONE
[brian-murray] Keep stats on quantity of bugs with patches: DONE
[brian-murray] Make a graph of bugs with patches: DONE
[brian-murray] Document process for bugs w/ branches to request a merge proposal for the reviewers team to review: POSTPONED to ubuntu-10.04-beta-1
[james-w] File a bug (bug 483931) that there is not an active reviews page for ubuntu: DONE
Work items for ubuntu-
[brian-murray] Document process for bugs w/ branches to request a merge proposal for the reviewers team to review: DONE
[brian-murray] Investigate have the script that watches for patches watch for branches w/o merge proposals: DONE
Bugs with branches notes (bdmurray)
While it'd be possible to have another script subscribe the ubuntu-reviewers team to bugs with branches the workflow for it is significantly different from the workflow for bugs with branches that they should not be shoe-horned into this specification.