Ubuntu One Music Store
The Lucid music store project aims to deliver the ability to purchase music from within a desktop music player.
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Started
- Approver:
- John Lenton
- Priority:
- Essential
- Drafter:
- Ubuntu One hackers
- Direction:
- Needs approval
- Assignee:
- Stuart Langridge
- Definition:
- Approved
- Series goal:
- Accepted for lucid
- Implementation:
- Beta Available
- Milestone target:
- None
- Started by
- Elliot Murphy
- Completed by
Work items:
[sil] Finalize spec details and get review: DONE
Work items for lucid-alpha-3:
[rodrigo-moya] Specify Music Store gtk widget (desktop): DONE
[sil] Store whether user has musicprovider user account (server): DONE
[sil] Handle musicprovider user signup and account credential storage (server): DONE
[rodrigo-moya] Inject JavaScript into widget to redirect sample playing to gtk signal (desktop): DONE
[rodrigo-moya] Handle streaming of sample in Rhythmbox for gtk signal (desktop): DONE
[rodrigo-moya] Package libubuntuone for Ubuntu: DONE
[sil]: Package rhythmbox plugin for Ubuntu: DONE
[sil] Handle OAuth signin, our end (server): DONE
[sil] Check whether mp3 codec is installed and install if not: DONE
[mattgriffin] Design and approve store design: DONE
[mattgriffin] Write UAT plan: DONE
[rodrigo-moya] Build Music Store gtk widget (desktop): DONE
[sil] Build Rhythmbox plugin to display widget (desktop): DONE
[sil] Handle unloggedin user browsing store and then purchasing: DONE
[mattgriffin] Implement store design: DONE
[sil] Display current downloads on downloads page (server): DONE
[sil] Trap download request and add to queue (server): DONE
[sil] Talk to syncdaemon to find which files are downloading/
[rodrigo-moya] Talk to syncdaemon to find which files are downloaded and import to Rhythmbox library (desktop): DONE
[alecu] (or lucio) Retrieve download request from queue and download mp3 (server): DONE
[alecu] (or lucio) Inject mp3 into user's folder (server): DONE
[sil] do something useful with errors: DONE