Integrate Lubuntu into Ubuntu ecosystem
The goal is to use Ubuntu facilities for Lubuntu :
- Building the iso with Ubuntu architecture
- Using the iso tracker
- Using a slideshow for ubiquity
- Use testing facilities (Mago, checkbox ?)
- ...
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Not started
- Approver:
- None
- Priority:
- Undefined
- Drafter:
- Julien Lavergne
- Direction:
- Needs approval
- Assignee:
- Julien Lavergne
- Definition:
- New
- Series goal:
- None
- Implementation:
- Unknown
- Milestone target:
- None
- Started by
- Completed by
Related branches
Related bugs
Work items:
ISO building - Update space of the server: DONE
ISO building - Update infrastructure and packages: DONE
[cjwatson] Add Lubuntu to cron.germinate (should be deployed by wgrant soon): DONE
[cjwatson] Add Lubuntu to tasksel: DONE
[gilir] ISO building - Update seed (live) with changes done to the actual script : DONE
[gilir] ISO building - Move seed to a team and add Core Dev access to it: DONE
[gilir] ISO building - Check if we can build with install recommends enable: DONE
[gilir] ISO building - Write announcement: DONE
[gilir] Contact release manager when announcement will be done (needed before A2): DONE
[gilir] ISO tracker - Need a contact for QA: DONE
ISO tracker - Activation - need ISO building complete : DONE
ISO tracker - Write test cases (installation on < 4 Gb, installation on 256 Mb RAM ...) : POSTPONE
Possible improvements
Ubuntu One - Pcmanfm integration - Need plugin infrastructure : TODO
Ubuntu One - Sylpheed integration - Need plugin interface to contacts component : TODO
Ubuntu One - Audacious integration - Write a plugin : TODO
Ubuntu One - Evaluate impact of additionals programs to make it work : TODO
Adding apport hooks in lxde packages : INPROGRESS
Support for global menu in lxpanel : TODO
Evaluate possibility to integrate Software-center (CPU, RAM and I/O impact on Lubuntu targets) : TODO
Using a testing applications (Mago, LTSP ...) : TODO
Discuss the possibility to add a 486 flavor of the kernel for very old hardware : TODO
Ubuntu One - Evaluate if it's possible to add support in Xpad
Ubuntu One - Evaluate if it's possible / useful to add support in Osmo
Items finished
Add appindicator support (first version in lxpanel 0.5.5-4ubuntu2): DONE
Using a slideshow for ubiquity : DONE
Link LXDE sourceforge project with Launchpad : DONE