Update applications by default for Lubuntu Natty
Discuss the adjustments in the Lubuntu seed for Natty :
- List features and/or uses cases missing in Lubuntu
- Discuss the inclusion of not
- Discuss the implementation (inclusion and change of an application in the seed)
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Not started
- Approver:
- None
- Priority:
- Undefined
- Drafter:
- Julien Lavergne
- Direction:
- Needs approval
- Assignee:
- None
- Definition:
- New
- Series goal:
- None
- Implementation:
- Unknown
- Milestone target:
- None
- Started by
- Completed by
10.14.2010 - In order to have a session at UDS, you must be an officially recognized Ubuntu derivative. Please contact the Ubuntu Community Council (<email address hidden>) for more information. -robbie.w
Err, actually, it's the TB that makes these decisions, and the procedure is currently unclear, sadly (my fault). - persia
10.15.2010 - Fair enough. It still means that Lubuntu isn't an officially recognized derivative. I'm hesitant to approve sessions by unofficial derivatives, as this could lead to an avalanche of session requests from others...and we simply don't have the resources to accommodate them all. - robbie.w
Work items:
Discuss Backup solution (http://
Discuss CD/DVD Burn choice : Xfburn (xfce depends + hal) or Brasero (gnome depends but no hal) or something else ?
Discuss notifications program (XFCE or keep classic notification)
Discuss indicators support on by default + indicators installed by default (need integration on LXDE)
Discuss LightDM integration instead of LXDM
Discuss keymap switcher : lxkeymap, lxkeyboardconf (lxadmin), support in lxinput ?
Discuss control-center : lubuntu-
Discuss utility to modify and save screen settings (using https:/
Discuss search utility (catfish ?)
Discuss a way to modify the main menu (port alacarte ?)