QA Dashboard

Registered by Gema Gomez

This piece of work is about reporting results from jenkins and utah in a consistent and helpful manner. The QA Team is creating a series of web reports that together will form a QA Dashboard for Ubuntu.

Blueprint information

Gema Gomez
Joe Talbott
Canonical Platform QA Team
Series goal:
Accepted for raring
Milestone target:
Started by
Gema Gomez
Completed by
Gema Gomez

Work Items

Work items for ubuntu-13.04-month-1:
[cjohnston] Seperate bootspeed code into it's own app: DONE
[joetalbott] Enable parsing of utah results for smoke testing purposes in a way that is reusable later by the API (encapsulated): DONE
[cjohnston] Set up two different staging environments on Canonistack for showing current development work in addition to staging that follows the dev branch: DONE
[cjohnston] Get staging upgraded to using Django 1.4: DONE
[cjohnston] Make it obvious that the staging environments are staging and not production: DONE

Work items for ubuntu-13.04-month-2:
[joetalbott] Add bug links to initial smoke view rather than bug count: DONE
[cjohnston] Add Bootspeed views to dashboard: DONE
[cjohnston] Get django-tables backported: DONE
[joetalbott] Add bug parsing for UTAH jobs: DONE
[joetalbott] Investigate adding aggregation table for bootspeed data: DONE
[joetalbott] Add standard deviation windowing to bootspeed results: DONE
[joetalbott] Look into adding previous release line to dygraphs: DONE
[joetalbott] Add utah.parser to the dashboard: DONE
[cjohnston] Work with IS on getting Django 1.4 packaged for use on production server: DONE
[cjohnston] Work with IS to deploy dashboard on the production server using Django 1.4: DONE
[joetalbott] Add Bootspeed API: DONE
[joetalbott] Add flattened Smoke view that lists each image and build in a single view: DONE
[cjohnston] Document using the different staging environments: DONE

Work items for ubuntu-13.04-month-3:
[joetalbott] Add xorg+plumbing agg to models: DONE
[cjohnston] Add xorg+plumbing charts and to table data: DONE
[cjohnston] get bootspeed views released into production: DONE
[nuclearbob] Add bootspeed logs for dashboard parsing: DONE
[joetalbott] Add bootspeed log parser to dashboard: DONE
[cjohnston] Create a branch with staging settings and documenting the setup process of the staging environment: DONE
[joetalbott] Investigate enhancing bootspeed scripts into pure utah jobs: POSTPONED
[joetalbott] Add Power Consumption results to the dashboard: DONE
[cjohnston] Add Power views to the dashboard: DONE
[cjohnston] Get power consumption released into production: DONE
[cjohnston] Bring the architecture column to the main page in the SRU view: DONE
[cjohnston] Make the All view in SRU show only one month worth of data: DONE
[cjohnston] Remove Natty Kernel SRU results from the database and disable the pulling of this data from the cron job: DONE
[joetalbott] Look into implementing OAuth in the dashboard side to allow utah to talk to the dashboard and engineers to add bugs to runs: POSTPONED
[joetalbott] Add Kernel-SRU API: POSTPONED

Work items for ubuntu-13.04-month-5:
[cjohnston] Need to look into caching on the server as a workaround until we can solve the queries issue (too many queries to the database being done at the moment) to speed up the loading of the main page: POSTPONED
[nuclearbob] Gather logs for bootchart failures to send to foundations: DONE
[cjohnston] Document release process: DONE
[gema] Talk to Martin and Thomi about how to interpret output from autopilot + utah runs and pass it to the dashboard: DONE
[joetalbott] Convert memory aggregation into batch processing: DONE
[joetalbott] Add per-process memory charting: DONE
[joetalbott] Add backend/parsing for memory testing views: DONE
[cjohnston] Bug #1082065 Bugs not showing on Kernel SRU testing: DONE

Work items for ubuntu-13.04-month-6:
[joetalbott] Add previous week trending for memory process table: POSTPONED
[joetalbott] Add proper units to memory tables: DONE
[cjohnston] Bug #1103380 Add breadcrumbs to views that are missing them: POSTPONED
[joetalbott] Add specific build flag for skipped_builds: POSTPONED
[joetalbott] Add direct from the module class lists to list_items and clear_items: POSTPONED
[cjohnston] Add testcase name to memory views (i.e. Idle, web-surfing, etc. from the job name): POSTPONED
[joetalbott] Add support for multiple previous release lines (2 max) to the bootspeed charts: POSTPONED
[joetalbott] Add backend/parsing for eventstat testing views: DONE
[joetalbott] Add views for eventstat testing views: DONE
[cjohnston] Refactor jenkins_pull_smoke: POSTPONED
[cjohnston] Refactor jenkins_pull_sru: POSTPONED
[joetalbott] Add 'REASON=blah' support to build description parsing in dashboard for non-bug failure reasons: POSTPONED
[nskaggs] Look into creating an initial landing page instead of going straight into the smoke test results: DONE
[joetalbott] Add memory testing views: DONE
[cjohnston] Refactor bootspeed/power/memory jenkins_pulls: DONE
[doanac] add a power idle test for nexus: DONE
[doanac] provide android baseline comparisons for idle testing: INPROGRESS
[cjohnston] Add parsing for power idle data: DONE
[cjohnston] Create power idle views: DONE
[cjohnston] Add sub-nav CSS to dashboard: DONE
[cjohnston] Setup staging to auto-update code: DONE
[cjohnston] Setup CI for automatic release process: DONE
[cjohnston] Work with IS to setup automatic release process: DONE
[cjohnston] Add sort arrows to django tables: DONE

Work items for ubuntu-13.04:
[cjohnston] Add Upgrade to smoke view: POSTPONED
[gema] to discuss with Ursula and Brian about the bug gravitation report: POSTPONED
[joetalbott] Make the smoke testing views show skipped or not run tests based on yaml file when things do not run from UTAH: POSTPONED
[javier.collado] Look into implementing OAuth in the utah side to talk to the dashboard: POSTPONED