Security Catch-all

Registered by Marc Deslauriers

Implement various additional security things that don't need a full blueprint of their own. Some or all of this will be discussed in the morning roundtable discussions.

Blueprint information

Jamie Strandboge
Marc Deslauriers
Marc Deslauriers
Series goal:
Accepted for precise
Beta Available
Milestone target:
Started by
Jamie Strandboge

Related branches



NOTE: jdstrand> wrt kubuntu, security team point of view given in various internal discussions. At this time, kubuntu TBD by TB

Work Items:
[jdstrand] discuss firewalld/network-manager changes with cyphermox (0.5): DONE
[jdstrand] ufw python3 support (2): POSTPONED
[jjohansen] add to regression tests that firewire dma is off and the old driver is blacklisted (0.5): TODO
[sbeattie] apport hook to disable bugs when people using the Eve installer (look at automatix, verify plugin finder) (0.5): POSTPONED
[jdstrand] follow up with broder on writing a script to report -backports packages that need an update due to -security: DONE
[sbeattie] look at how to split/deactivate networking interface in auditd (maybe already handled in packaging) (1): POSTPONED
[sbeattie] auditd daemon-only package (0.5): POSTPONED
[sbeattie] create AppArmor profile for auditd (1): POSTPONED
[sbeattie] prepare MIR request for auditd (0.5): POSTPONED
[mdeslaur] remove java plugin from ubuntu-restricted-extras and verify plugin-finder service (0.5): DONE
[jdstrand] verify status of desktop-couch, if no longer used demote (bug #844995) (0.5): DONE
[tyhicks] verify status of erlang, if not longer used demote (rabbitmq needs it for build depends) (0.5): DONE
[jdstrand] review/update supported rdepends of qt4-x11 to determine if qt4-x11 needs to still be updated (medium) (0.5): DONE
[micahg] talk to desktop and upstream about direction of webkit-gtk 1.8 and go from there (high) (0.5): DONE
[micahg] triage the remaining webkit-gtk CVEs with aliases (medium) (2): POSTPONED
[micahg] file in embargoed with with CVE and and git commits for webkit-gtk (medium)(2): POSTPONED
[micahg] follow up with chriscoulson about getting stable ppa working for chromium: DONE
[micahg] identify what bugs in chromium we would block on and submit to team for review (high): DONE
[micahg] script screenshots of chromium ( (low) (1): POSTPONED
[jdstrand] add to QRT important packages to test for with webkit (0.5): DONE
[jdstrand] have script pull out assigned fields in cve alerts (0.5): DONE
[jdstrand] update wiki with meaning of work item, CVE priorities, security team policies on handling dev release (0.5): DONE
[sbeattie] see if debsums can use something better than md5 (0.5): POSTPONED
[sbeattie] if so, make sure packages in main make use of debsums at build time (2): POSTPONED
[sbeattie] investigate (0.5): POSTPONED
[sbeattie] document proper use of debsums with a livecd (0.5): POSTPONED
[mdeslaur] work with mvo on package support status (mvo, mdeslaur, jdstrand) (1.5): DONE
[jdstrand] determine arm LTS status (0.5): DONE
[jdstrand] follow-up on what is happening with kubuntu (2): DONE
[mdeslaur] add overlayfs to schroot (1): DONE
[mdeslaur] verify sbuild for overlayfs (0.5): DONE
[mdeslaur] update mk-sbuild for overlayfs (0.5): DONE
[jdstrand] talk to elmo about squid3: DONE
[jdstrand] talk to server team about squid3: DONE
[tyhicks] verify selinux tools and framework (1): DONE
[mdeslaur] aide config files and UTF-8 - need to filter the final config (2): DONE
[mdeslaur] aide UTF-8 in database - need to check for UTF-8 (1): DONE
[jdstrand] file bug for rss feeds per release with usn-website (0.5): DONE
[sbeattie] fix qrt apache scripts for working with upstream testsuite (1): POSTPONED
[sbeattie] add umt compare-ppa-bin (1): POSTPONED
[sbeattie] add umt compare-ppa-log (1): POSTPONED
[micahg] Prepare ESR stable PPA for LTS releases (beta/aurora are the same for whatever the base rapid release version is) (0.5) (high): POSTPONED

UDS preparation notes:

= Roundtable topics =

Sandboxing (roundtable)
    - seccomp mode 2
        - ubuntu integration - apparmor integration? - is there anywhere we can utilize seccomp? (try and find potential proof of concept)
    - aa sandbox (maybe discuss in apparmor session)
        - chroot/aufs/overlayfs improvements/integration
    - containers

Look at Roadmap for important items (roundtable)

= Non-discussion items =
ensure that update-notifier-common is installed in the server seed so that motd gets updated information about available updates [LP: #870121]

screen locking
 - [smspillaz] implement gnome-shell style screen locking in compiz plugin: DONE - need to get into precise
 - Screen locking with autologin and passwordless users (work item)

See if anything is missing from
 - mentioning talking to security

crypto consolidation. (work items: (secure development wiki page) (add a mention to the MIR process))

md5 removal as a security hash in archive apps (work item (add to secure dev wiki page, add to mir process, add warnings to crypto library))

TLS 1.0/SSL 3.0 lifespan (work item)

review RBAC of other systems and see if anything we can take/get inspired by (work item: review other rbac systems)

How do we display ignored CVEs in our tracker? (ie: universe from hardy...)

= Monday roundtable notes =
Copied from
bug #879087: firewire. is there anything we need to do beyond our current defaults? No.
 - the old driver with the problem is disabled (blacklisted)
 - the new driver doesn't have the problem
 - [ACTION] - add to regression tests that dma is off and the old driver is blacklisted

make sure an apport hook gets added to block bugs where users are using Eve installer ( to install (a la automatix bug blocking)
[ACTION] apport hook to disable bugs when people using the Eve installer
 - look at automatix hook
 - verify message pops up

[broder] write a script to report -backports packages that need an update due to -security - bring forward
[ACTON] follow up with broder on writing a script to report -backports packages that need an update due to -security - bring forward

[ACTION] investigate firewalld for integration
[ACTION] qrt
[ACTION] daily builds

auditd in main? (maybe split in in two, a lobotomized version for main, and the full network connectivity version for universe?) (roundtable, bug #878155)
auditd in main:
 - 2 packages, one without networking and one with
 - network support isn't supporting (per upstream)
 - even better just turn off networking
 - [ACTION] look at how to split/deactivate networking interface
 - [ACTION] audit daemon
 - [ACTION] create AppArmor profile
 - [ACTION] prepare MIR request

Getting ubuntu tools up to snuff for xattrs (roundtable)
 - used by file caps - security labeling
don't need dpkg support for fscaps anymore cause
just make sure that the tools
• tar [fedora patch:;a=blob;f=tar-1.24-xattrs.patch]
• star
• ls
• rsync
• cpio
• any archiving tools
• look at configure options
• look for patches
• qrt test script for adding files and archiving
• gzip, bzip, lzma, xz, unzip (look into for individual
• bacula
• unison
• backuppc, bacula, rsnapshot (maybe add some documentation)
• [ACTION] wiki page documenting the investigations
• the attribute namespaces, security, trusted, system, user. which of these need to be backed up and restore
∘ don't backup security
∘ do backup system (acls), trusted (fscaps?) and user (set fattr)
• reevaluate who does what after
[ACTION] remove java plugin from ubuntu-restricted-extras
 - major security attack vector
 - usage of legitimate java plugins on web is not widespread
 - no longer restricted
[ACTION] verify plugin-finder-service
[ACTION] notify major derivatives
desktop-couch and erlang
[ACTION] verify status
[ACTION] if no longer used demote
[ACTION] rabbitmq needs it for build depends
debsums in main
 - based on md5
 - some packages in main don't ship it so if debsums installed after, then checksums not created
 - most packages ship it
 - [ACTION] see if debsums can use something better than md5
 - when is it enabled?
 - to be continued
Also see uncompleted work items from: security-o-catch-all

= Tuesday Roundtable =
debsums in main
 - based on md5
 - some packages in main don't ship it so if debsums installed after, then checksums not created
 - most packages ship it
 - [ACTION] see if debsums can use something better than md5
 - when is it enabled?
 - [ACTION] investigate
 - [ACTION] document proper use of debsums with a livecd

 - [ACTION] mdeslaur to work with mvo on maintenance time frame for LTS
 - [ACTION] will arm be full lts
 - [jdstrand] follow-up on what is happening with kubuntu
 - [ACTION] verify main and universe and what should be where (mvo, mdeslaur, jdstrand)

aufs is gone (doesn't compile)
[kees] add overlayfs to schroot
[ACTION] verify sbuild
[ACTION] update mk-sbuild

[jdstrand] talk to elmo about squid3
[jdstrand] talk to server team about squid3

[tyhicks] verify selinux tools and framework

- two issues
 - [ACTION] config files and UTF-8 - need to filter the final config
 - [ACTION] UTF-8 in database - need to check for UTF-8

UCT rss feeds per package
- neat, but not immediately straightforward to implement
- patches welcome

- [ACTON] file bug for rss feeds per release

updating the dev release
- pocket copies - at what point do we stop? we can do this as long as the dev release does not have newer version. at alpha 1 we upload, merge or sync
- [micahg] ask TB or appropriate group on archive admin policy on what gets pocket copied to dev release and when so we don't lose patches (eg, -proposed has something newer and someone merges to dev, thus losing the patch)[micahg] ask TB or appropriate group on archive admin policy on what gets pocket copied to dev release and when so we don't lose patches (eg, -proposed has something newer and someone merges to dev, thus losing the patch)
- to be contined

= Security roubtable Wednesday =
discussed ceph a bit in preparation for the session later

discussed Ubuntu security features with potential customer

discussed chromium reduced test cases (ie, test only what we miht block on)
files/test_office_docs: one oo.o document .doc
'images' : gif, jpg, png, pdf
plugins (other): two files, do one as embedded and one as http
ssl/test_by_hostname: go to twice. first time, exit on warning. 2nd, accept on warning
ssl/test_by_ip: go to twice. first time, exit on warning. 2nd, accept on warning
java/test_java_lp728798: the color dither one

work item: fix basic and digest auth tests for chromium

= Friday Roundtable =
ecryptfs and long filenames
- stream cipher
add an entry to our FAQ on the installer hash issue
[ev] tell security team how installer hash is generated
possibly add an entry to the FAQ on the geoip
lot's of talk with ted discussing the status of dbus/apparmor and its direction, as well as what he would like ("a sort of policykit for the session bus")


Work Items

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