Alternative cloud providers

Registered by Soren Hansen

There are many cloud providers in the market place. We should investigate which ones are interesting, to which extent they offer Ubuntu on their service, and if we should be adding more tools to Ubuntu to make it easier to use these providers.

Blueprint information

Not started
Jos Boumans
Soren Hansen
Series goal:
Declined for lucid
Milestone target:
milestone icon later



Secondary Engineer: smoser

jib review 2009-12-18: This is a useful effort, but the scope is quite broad; I would like to see a selection of 2 or 3 cloud providers that we will pilot this with. Please explicitly define the outstanding workitems along the lines of Please make sure that at least all needed package updates are targeted for Alpha3

jib review 2010-1-13: Soren & ttx to agree on the scope & specifics of the remaining work items.

Work items for lucid-alpha-3:
* Add a simple UI for libcloud #1 (basic functionality for EC2 and RackSpace): DONE
* Set up an EC2 account: DONE
* Set up a RackSpace Cloud account: DONE
* Retrieve package selection and kernel choice for Karmic images on EC2: TODO
* Retrieve package selection and kernel choice for Karmic images on RackSpace: TODO
* Analyse these package selections and see if they can all reasonably be unified: TODO
* Reach out to RackSpace Cloud account about kernel updates: TODO

Deferred to lucid+1 or beyond:
* Add a simple UI for libcloud #2 (easier configuration and support for the rest of the drivers): TODO
 * Set up a Slicehost account: TODO
 * Set up a Linode account: TODO
 * Set up a account: TODO
 * Set up a RimuHosting account: DONE
 * Set up a GoGrid account: TODO
 * Set up a vCloud account: TODO
 * Set up a Terremark account: TODO
 * Retrieve package selection and kernel choice for Karmic images on Slicehost: TODO
 * Retrieve package selection and kernel choice for Karmic images on Linode: TODO
 * Retrieve package selection and kernel choice for Karmic images on TODO
 * Retrieve package selection and kernel choice for Karmic images on RimuHosting: Done
 * Retrieve package selection and kernel choice for Karmic images on GoGrid: TODO
 * Retrieve package selection and kernel choice for Karmic images on vCloud: TODO
 * Retrieve package selection and kernel choice for Karmic images on Terremark: TODO
 * Reach out to Slicehost account about kernel updates: TODO
 * Reach out to Linode account about kernel updates: TODO
 * Reach out to account about kernel updates: TODO
 * Reach out to RimuHosting account about kernel updates: TODO
 * Reach out to GoGrid account about kernel updates: TODO
 * Reach out to vCloud account about kernel updates: TODO
 * Reach out to Terremark account about kernel updates: TODO


Work Items