Review and improve the Ubuntu Server community

Registered by Mathias Gug

 * Increase upstream involvement in publishing new releases of their projects in Ubuntu releases
 * increase corporate involvement in milestone testing.

Blueprint information

Jos Boumans
Mathias Gug
Mathias Gug
Series goal:
Accepted for maverick
Milestone target:
milestone icon ubuntu-10.10-beta
Started by
Mathias Gug
Completed by
Mathias Gug

Related branches



Not yet updated

[hggdh2] ubuntu-10.10-beta: 1

Work items:
[jorge] Update Upstream wiki page to mention process to get new releases in Ubuntu releases (especially LTS).: DONE
[hggdh2] Define branding strategy to create Beta testing program: POSTPONED
[jorge] Update Adopt an upstream program to include server related packages: DONE

Reviewers: jib + ttx

ttx review / 20100526:
 * Looks like this should be a community spec rather than a server spec, looking at the work items
 * Spec doc is missing, though I'm not sure it's needed given the scope of this blueprint
 * Should move "goals" to blueprint description, and "Notes" to the spec doc (if any)
 * Suggested assignees: hggdh
 * Estimated complexity: 1-2
 * Suggested priority: 3/Low
 * Suggested Subcycle: Iteration 3 (Beta)

jib review / 20100526:
 * Bears similarity to the Ubuntu Conduits idea floated in Dallas
 * Could leverage Launchpad/Daily VCS but would need server resources
 * Split beta testing of release & providing updated builds
   * beta testing low prio
   * updated builds high(er) prio, start early in the cycle. Complexity 4-6.

= UDS M notes =

Review and improve the Ubuntu Server community

   1. Ubuntu
   2. Blueprints
   3. Review and improve the Ubuntu Server ...

Improvements can be made to improve the Ubuntu Server community:
 * ubuntu server voices

As a sysadmin I want to test beta. If I find bugs I'm sure they'll be fixed. If I don't find bugs I'm sure the release will be stable.

How to get upstream excited to build for Ubuntu?
 - upstream already running Ubuntu?
 - daily vcs build: same recipes could be used to provide the latest releases.
 - need engage with upstream.
 - how to publicize PPA?
   Extend the daily build vcs infrastructure.
   Multi tier architecture:
      - pure usptream vcs.
      - pure upstream released.
      - ubuntu patches in new upstream release.
   Pick upstream package: memcache?
   Create and document a process for upstream to release new version in Ubuntu.
       New use case/section: push new releases in LTS [jorge]
     Tell people about the process (LG magazing, ars technica).

How to get the server community to test new releases *before* they are released (alpha3 onwards, for example)?
 - Advertise Beta milestone as a "Beta program".
   Start and end date.
   Making sure they know their bugs will be considered
   Rebrand milestone to fit what IT departements are used to see.
   Find good stakeholders to enroll into a beta program.
   Market to big users (university).
   Participation at UDS.

How to get community of practice around traditional server stacks to transform into Ubuntu community "server subsystem maintainers".
Create sub-groups around stacks. Tied to package sets/uploads.
Advertise new groups.
Upstream mailing lists. Subscribe package bugs.
Adopt an upstream for server [jorge].

ubuntu-server IRC channel: both support and devel. Change the topic to remove Support.

How to get upstream excited to build for Ubuntu?
How to get the server community to test new releases *before* they are released (alpha3 onwards, for example)?
How to get community of practice around traditional server stacks to transform into Ubuntu community "server subsystem maintainers".


Work Items