Charm Store Freshness
- We need something like debian/watch for charms.
- Upstream source repos
- charms using old formats
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Not started
- Approver:
- Antonio Rosales
- Priority:
- Undefined
- Drafter:
- None
- Direction:
- Approved
- Assignee:
- Jorge Castro
- Definition:
- Approved
- Series goal:
- Accepted for raring
- Implementation:
- Unknown
- Milestone target:
- ubuntu-13.04
- Started by
- Completed by
Etherpad from UDS Session:
Charm Store Freshness
We need something like debian/watch for charms.
Upstream source repos
charms using old formats
More Charm Schools and Resources
How does a user tell what attributes a charm has, specifically what security attributs does a charm have. Ideally this should be per charm on the charm browser
Charm Quality Rating: https:/
Need a way for a user to be easily to identify where the package is pulling from (ie, main, or a private ppa).
Right now it is up to the maintainer of the charm to determine where the packaged is pulled from.
Reviewed charm store policy: https:/
Remote Questions:
Work Items:
[jorge] Add criteria for things supported in main. Specifcially detail where a charm (by default) pulls its package from.
[bkerensa] open bug for tags to track [1072653]
[jorge] Test removal policy by removing alice-irc from the store.
[clint-fewbar] Version information in config.yaml, make that policy.
ooh, then we can have debian/watch files.
[clint-fewbar] Implement debian/watch for charms, determine if this should live in jenkins instead (just fail a test if you're out of date).
[clint-fewbar] file juju bug - upgrade-charm must take the same config.yaml as deploy
[clint-fewbar] document best practice with regard to versions and defaults in config.yaml (materialized vs. lazy-load)