Easy machine access to Ubuntu image and cloud data

Registered by Scott Moser

Multiple clients make use of cloud images, install boot files and cloud image data (ami ids and such). This data is currently spread across multiple sources (http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/query, http://archive.ubuntu.com, http://maas.ubuntu.com/images).

There is no easy way to collect and mirror all that data for local use.

Provide well formed data describing:
 * public cloud image id information
 * download information for cloud-images
 * download information for maas images
 * download information for boot and installer files
This information will be signed and suitable for mirroring locally.

== Status ==
Marked this as 'implemented'. "simplestreams" is the format this data is now available in, and raring contains simplestreams client that is buggy. lp:simplestreams is the project. http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/streams/v1 shows data.

Blueprint information

Dave Walker
Ubuntu Server
Scott Moser
Series goal:
Accepted for raring
Milestone target:
milestone icon ubuntu-13.04
Started by
Scott Moser
Completed by
Scott Moser

Related branches



User Stories:
Jerry is a developer and uses lxc on Ubuntu for development. He wants to keep up to date images for use on his local system.

Patty runs a MAAS cluster that is not directly connected to the public internet. She needs to keep a local mirror of all files that MAAS needs, and point the MAAS cluster at tht mirror.

Mike operates an internal Eucalyptus cloud. He wants to keep current Ubuntu cloud images populated to his local cloud. He has tools that can upload images, list images, and delete images and would like to easily keep the local cloud in sync with remote images.



Test Plans:
As part of the blueprint, a mirror client will be developed. The client will support mirroring over http and local files.
Mock server data will be available to quickly test the client against.

Release Note:

Machine formatted data is now available for files and data that describe Ubuntu Server. A mirror client allows you to easily keep local mirrors of the data for internal use, and take action when new data is available.


Work Items

Work items:
collect complete list Ubuntu server bits to be supported: TODO
provide example metadata and data: DONE
develop client for mirroring data: DONE
add hooks to client for {new,remove} items: DONE
develop example hooks for populating ec2: POSTPONED
document data format: INPROGRESS

Dependency tree

* Blueprints in grey have been implemented.

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