Openstack CI work during Vivid cycle
Openstack CI work during Vivid cycle
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Complete
- Approver:
- Patricia Gaughen
- Priority:
- Undefined
- Drafter:
- Patricia Gaughen
- Direction:
- Approved
- Assignee:
- Ryan Beisner
- Definition:
- Approved
- Series goal:
- Accepted for vivid
- Implementation:
- Milestone target:
- Started by
- Ryan Beisner
- Completed by
- Ryan Beisner
Work Items
Work items:
[1chb1n] mojo osci integration: DONE
[1chb1n] juju proposed changes trigger automation: INPROGRESS
[1chb1n] osci maas dellstack integration: DONE
[1chb1n] jobparts- system tools refresh dirs WRT multiple executors: TODO
[1chb1n] jenkins- update job concurrency settings to handle multiple executors: TODO
[1chb1n] mpcomment- aggregate amulet, lint, unit and deploy results as single mp comment: POSTPONED
[1chb1n] mpcomment- add up vote and down vote actions: POSTPONED
[1chb1n] jenkins- email notification to individual user on manual builds: TODO
[1chb1n] mappings, o.c.t- enable vivid kilo deployment targets: DONE
[1chb1n] mappings, mpscanner, branchscanner- add branch groups => testgroups feature: INPROGRESS
[1chb1n] coverage- juju-devel deployment testing: DONE
[1chb1n] coverage- HA basic deployment testing: DONE
[1chb1n] coverage- Power8 deployment testing: INPROGRESS
[1chb1n] coverage- SSL rabbitmq basic automated testing: DONE
[1chb1n] coverage- IPv6 basic deployment testing: POSTPONED
[1chb1n] coverage- charm upgrade testing: DONE
[1chb1n] coverage- add T-Juno, U-Juno amulet coverage: DONE
[1chb1n] coverage- add T-Kilo amulet coverage: INPROGRESS
[1chb1n] coverage- add V-Kilo amulet coverage: POSTPONED
[1chb1n] jenkins- add ability to target single arbitrary branch in mp scanner, useful for re-runs: DONE
[1chb1n] jenkins- add ability to sync charm helpers ahead of amulet runs: DONE
[1chb1n] mpscanner- add stable charms branches: DONE
[1chb1n] branchscanner- add stable charms branches: DONE
Dependency tree

* Blueprints in grey have been implemented.