List of tutorials/threads from the forums to be transferred to ubuntu wiki
Rules for adding tutorials to the Pages For Import
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Not started
- Approver:
- Hannie Dumoleyn
- Priority:
- Undefined
- Drafter:
- Hannie Dumoleyn
- Direction:
- Needs approval
- Assignee:
- ubforums2ubwiki
- Definition:
- New
- Series goal:
- None
- Implementation:
- Unknown
- Milestone target:
- None
- Started by
- Completed by
Related branches
Related bugs
Columns Import list: thread number - wiki title - PM to author (date sent) - Permission obtained - wiki URL Note: thread number = thread ID (search if thread already exists)
[Hannie] Perhaps another column "Action" or "Info" e.g. transferred to wiki (without consent)
[forestpiski] Wiki searching - find best method.
[Hannie] Tasks:
1. Find threads/tutorials on the forums that are suitable for transition, put them on the PagesForImport list, send authors a PM to ask permission and remove the thread from the list once it has been wikified.
2. Create wiki pages, with the help of the new tool, from tutorials for which either permission is granted or 2 weeks have passed after sending the PM. To check this, it would be best to add a Date column to the PagesForImport page.
3. Review newly created wiki pages. We might create a new wiki page with a list of all the newly created wiki tutorials, date, reviewer etc.
Note: Team members can indicate which task(s) suits them most. (on ML, wiki page?)
Do we need a page to list done wiki's - so they don't get duplicated.
Idea - if you're working in wikis from threads - mark them as in progress
Work Items
Work items:
[elfy] Finalise staff actions needed with threads that now have a wiki, see m/list for details . : DONE
Check tool actions. : TODO
[lafeber-dumoleyn] See if threads can be divided in manageable portions: TODO
[elfy] Contact cprofitt regarding the moves to possibly mark 'old' wiki pages: TODO
[elfy] Rejected tutes page : DONE
[elfy] Community involvement in putting threads forward - got added to FC monthly report : DONE
[elfy] Meetingology: TODO
[wildmanne39] converting http://