Unity Mir integration
Integrating Mir into Unity8
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Complete
- Approver:
- None
- Priority:
- Undefined
- Drafter:
- None
- Direction:
- Needs approval
- Assignee:
- Gerry Boland
- Definition:
- Obsolete
- Series goal:
- None
- Implementation:
- Milestone target:
- None
- Started by
- Completed by
- Gerry Boland
Related branches
Related bugs
Ambition: to create a functioning phablet image with Unity8 running on Mir.
Work Items
Work items for ubuntu-13.08:
[robertcarr] Need way for shell to identify the shell's surface: POSTPONED
[gerboland] Shell surface should be easily accessible to allow Input filters to be set (workaround done, but proper solution depends on above task): DONE
[robertcarr] Notify shell of surface destruction: DONE
[gerboland] Integrate surface destruction signal into SurfaceManager: DONE
[gerboland] Change snapshot to be an image source: DONE
[aacid] Add dbus signal emissions for HUD and Apps scope: DONE
[gerboland] Split files into directories of those in Mir thread, and those in Qt. Refactor code to use QML plugins for ApplicationManager and SurfaceManager: DONE
[gerboland] Create unity-mir project, move code there and package it: DONE
[gerboland] Create branch of unity8 to use unity-mir: DONE
[ricmm] Application lifecycle: suspend/resume/kill and archive support: DONE
[gerboland] OSK support: shell WM will need code to handle this OSK separately, plus a way to notify shell to show/hide: POSTPONED
[gerboland] Use Upstart lib to launch/quit and monitor apps for crashes: POSTPONED
[robertcarr] Notify of surface property changes: DONE
[gerboland] Be able to react on surface property changes: DONE
Add fullscreen support to platform-api & qtubuntu: DONE
[gerboland] Restore shell reaction to fullscreen application: POSTPONED
Clipboard support: POSTPONED
[aacid] Implement QDesktopService
Work items for ubuntu-13.09:
[gerboland] Adapt qtubuntu to implement common ApplicationManager API (defined in unity-api): DONE
[dandrader] Adapt unity-mir to implement common ApplicationManager API (defined in unity-api): DONE
[gerboland] Adapt shell to use updated ApplicationManager: DONE
Move Unity.Application plugin in Unity-Mir to new directory (different from qtubuntu one): DONE
Add fake OSKController component to qtubuntu: DONE
[ricmm] Enable shell to detect at run time the QPA being used (SF or Mir) and set plugin search path to suit. Then use http://
[ricmm] Create switch to let user set shell to be on Mir or SF: DONE
[ricmm] In unity-mir change sessionAuthorizer to allow webbrowser-app to spawn QWebProcesses: DONE
Fix rotation bug in OSK on Mir: DONE
Display dim/power off support: DONE
Clipboard support: DONE
[ricmm] Restore shell reaction to fullscreen application: DONE
[gerboland] Use Upstart lib to launch/quit and monitor apps for crashes: DONE
[gerboland] OSK support: shell WM will need code to handle this OSK separately, plus a way to notify shell to show/hide: DONE