Xubuntu 18.10: Development
Development work items for Xubuntu 18.10.
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Not started
- Approver:
- Xubuntu Council
- Priority:
- Undefined
- Drafter:
- Xubuntu Developers
- Direction:
- Needs approval
- Assignee:
- Xubuntu Developers
- Definition:
- New
- Series goal:
- None
- Implementation:
- Unknown
- Milestone target:
- None
- Started by
- Completed by
Xubuntu Core (Base):
- URL: https:/
- https:/
- URL: https:/
- https:/
- URL: https:/
- https:/
Pidgin theme:
- URL: https:/
- Pidgin will require patching to support installing this theme globally
bzr-to-git migration (DONE):
- All Xubuntu Bazaar branches were migrated to Git to have a consistent development workflow.
lp-to-xfce migration:
- We develop two Xfce applications in Launchpad. Migrating these back upstream should boost contributions.
Xfce 4.13 components to include (https:/
- thunar (several plugins yet to be ported)
- xfdesktop4 (with thunar)
- xfce4-appfinder
- xfconf (maybe, will start transition)
- xfce4-panel (requires xfconf)
- xfce4-settings (requires xfconf)
- xfce4-session (maybe)
Improved developer documentation. Useful topics to cover:
- Configuring development environment for Xfce and Xubuntu
- Debian packaging for Xubuntu packages (including gbp)
- Launchpad git workflow (WIP https:/
- Release process for applications (similar to the Xfce docs)
- Standard SRU practices to backport fixes to LTS
Work Items
Work items:
[xubuntu-dev] elementary-xfce: Split packaging for distribution improvements: DONE
[bluesabre] xubuntu-core: Refresh debian-cd patches: DONE
[bluesabre] xubuntu-core: Refresh livecd-rootfs patches: DONE
[bluesabre] xubuntu-core: Refresh ubuntu-cdimage patches: DONE
[bluesabre] bzr-to-git migration: catfish: DONE
[bluesabre] bzr-to-git migration: lightdm-
[unit193] bzr-to-git migration: lightdm-
[bluesabre] bzr-to-git migration: menulibre: DONE
[bluesabre] bzr-to-git migration: mugshot: DONE
[bluesabre] bzr-to-git migration: sgt-launcher: DONE
[bluesabre] bzr-to-git migration: xfpanel-switch: DONE
[bluesabre] bzr-to-git migration: xubuntu-artwork: DONE
[bluesabre] bzr-to-git migration: xubuntu-
[bluesabre] bzr-to-git migration: xubuntu-
[unit193] bzr-to-git migration: xubuntu-docs: DONE
[bluesabre] bzr-to-git migration: xubuntu seed: DONE
[ochosi] lp-to-xfce migration: catfish: DONE
[ochosi] lp-to-xfce migration: xfpanel-switch: DONE
[xubuntu-dev] pidgin-elementary: Provide patches for Pidgin theme support: POSTPONED
[xubuntu-dev] pidgin-elementary: Package theme and set as default: POSTPONED
[xubuntu-dev] xfce4-pulseaudi
[ubuntu-cdimage] xubuntu-core: Review and merge patches: POSTPONED
Dependency tree
* Blueprints in grey have been implemented.