Xubuntu 14.04: Quality assurance
Quality assurance projects for 14.04:
* Write testcases for new features
* Review and rework post-installation tests
* (Keep testing)
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Complete
- Approver:
- Pasi Lallinaho
- Priority:
- Undefined
- Drafter:
- Xubuntu Team
- Direction:
- Needs approval
- Assignee:
- Xubuntu Team
- Definition:
- Approved
- Series goal:
- Accepted for trusty
- Implementation:
- Implemented
- Milestone target:
- None
- Started by
- Pasi Lallinaho
- Completed by
- Pasi Lallinaho
Related branches
Related bugs
Ongoing efforts include:
* Image testing
* Package testing
* Using the Xubuntu website, social media and mailing lists for more publicity
links to trusty cycle bugs fyi - http://
Work Items
Work items:
[elfy] Review and rework post-installation tests: DONE
[elfy] Write new power testcase: DONE
[elfy] Speak to Dan Chapman about automated testing: DONE
[lderan] Review the current situation with automated package testing: DONE
[xubuntu-qa] Set up a list of applications we want to look at for automated package testing: POSTPONED
[elfy] Review the current situation with automated ISO testing: DONE
[elfy] Contact the team about their preferences on testing schedules: DONE
[elfy] Set up a schedule for cadence weeks: DONE
[elfy] List subjects for QA articles that we want to publish on Xubuntu.org: DONE
[elfy] Write QA article for publishing on Xubuntu.org: DONE
[elfy] QA article on the importance of reporting tests: DONE
[knome] Follow up with elfy on the QA articles for Xubuntu.org: DONE
[xubuntu-website] Run social media campaigning for QA during beta/RC milestones: DONE
[elfy] Send a mail to the -devel ML to survey how we did with QA and how we can improve: DONE
[elfy] Use -testers Contact Team for testing calls: DONE
[elfy] Call for exploratory testing (in addition to scheduled cadence testing): POSTPONED
[xubuntu-team] Discuss the need for Quality Assurance: DONE
Dependency tree
* Blueprints in grey have been implemented.