Applications Development of UbuntuKylin
This blueprint is for discussing the development plan of applications for UbuntuKylin for 13.10 and also 14.04. Welcome to join us!
To start, we proposed several ideas. You are welcome to propose new wonderful ideas or discuss the detail of current ones.
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Started
- Approver:
- Jack Yu
- Priority:
- Essential
- Drafter:
- None
- Direction:
- Approved
- Assignee:
- None
- Definition:
- Discussion
- Series goal:
- Accepted for saucy
- Implementation:
- Milestone target:
- Started by
- Jack Yu
- Completed by
To Be Discussed:
As a flavor, what's the difference between Ubuntu and UbuntuKylin?
-How could we contribute to Ubuntu?
-How could we improve the experience of Chinese users, or Ubuntu Loco users not speaking English?
Proposed Deveolopment Ideas:
1. Tool for all Linux users.
System Assistant, to provide an simple but complete and powerful GUI tool for users to view and manage their systems, which should be welcome by most common or nonprofessional users.
Should we cooperate with Ubuntu Tweak (https:/
(See Blueprint: https:/
- csslayer thinks no need for such kind of tool, tweaking system configs may make system unstable, and there's already USC.
- anthony thinks we should work on a version that is less "risky", without changing any hidden settings/
2. Apps for Chinese users.
1) Develop a QQ client for UbuntuKylin using webqq 3.0 protocol.
- Should we cooperate with QT QQ (https:/
- Other options: pidgin-lwqq (https:/
- webqq protocol, is it open or reverse-engineered.
- https:/
2) Develop Image&Video Scopes for Dash with Chinese searching results.
(See Blueprint: https:/
3) Develop browser plugin to guide the online payment for Chinese bank cards, such as Chinese bank union card, alipay etc.
(See Blueprint: https:/
- no support from bank
- for taobao, can't use "fast payment" as it uses activeX.
- detect you are on payment page and give you instructions.
- difficult to talk to banks to support linux
4) Develop Chinese online account plugins (such as sina, sohu, etc. ) for Friends project.
(See projects: https:/
5) Cooperate with fctix or ibus to improve Chinese input method.
* how to provides supports for application plugins such as QT, friends etc.
* improvements of input box appearance, such as fonts, size etc.
* effects for input method according to QML implementation of MIR.
- fcitx-qt5 https:/
- sogou-pinyin, they don't have not enough API, csslayer suggests us not to include it; it's closed source, can't put into ubuntukylin anyway.
- skin, can use other toolkits to implement
- kimpanel protocol (dbus based)
- http://
Work Items
Work items:
Dependency tree

* Blueprints in grey have been implemented.