Improvements to the Select Tool
Add in 8-way resizing to a Rectangle, Roundedrectagnle and similar shapes.
Image rotating will be greatly improved.Image rescaling will be added.
Both of these will better because I will not draw the image rotating with the mouse, but instead display a transparent rectangle, representing the new positions.
Pen shapes will be selectable, and can be repositioned. I may add in polygon/pen shape rotation, just for laughs. Scaling is probably too difficult, or inefficient
8 Jan -- MULTIPLE SELECTIONS? probably not, for this version.
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Complete
- Approver:
- None
- Priority:
- Medium
- Drafter:
- None
- Direction:
- Approved
- Assignee:
- Steven Sproat
- Definition:
- Approved
- Series goal:
- Accepted for 0.40
- Implementation:
- Implemented
- Milestone target:
- 0.40.0
- Started by
- Steven Sproat
- Completed by
- Steven Sproat
3 Jan 2010: Got 8-way selection handles drawn
4 Jan: Got 8-way selection/resizing working properly, and drawn better for rectangle/rounded rect/ellipse
7 Jan: Image rotation is better, kind-of implemented it for polygons. Working on polygon scaling.
* make Pen a sub-class of Polygon, to share common methods (bounding box/rotate/rescale)
* Select needs to fire a method, on mouse up - to indicate the user's finished editing their shape
* multiple shapes selected at once
8 Jan: Image rotation fixed, works great. Scaling code in place, too.
Polygon rotation and scaling - coded. Just need to find a "UI" way to add in scaling/rotating. (2 new selection handles?)
Working on "previews" for the image rescaling/rotating - going well.
Need to find a way to tie them all together; then work on the Pen tool bitmap hit test thingy.
31 Jan: Not adding in multiple selections for this release.
- Fixed some bugs, improved the Tool's code.