Blueprint workload

This page lists the specifications that Abhishek Kekane is expected to work on, or is its creator.

Priority Specification Definition Delivery Assign Draft Approve
2 Low log-request-id 0 Approved 0 Unknown X X  
2 Low return-request-id-to-caller 0 Approved 5 Started   X  
1 Undefined return-request-id-to-caller 0 Approved 6 Slow progress   X  
1 Undefined secure-rbac 0 Approved 7 Good progress   X  
1 Undefined multi-store-backend-support 1 Pending Approval 9 Needs Code Review X X  
1 Undefined support-glance-multiple-backend 1 Pending Approval 1 Not started X X  
1 Undefined wrapper-classes-to-return-request-id 1 Pending Approval 5 Started   X  
1 Undefined instance-tasks-api 2 Review 7 Good progress      
1 Undefined clone-image-across-regions 4 Discussion 1 Not started      
1 Undefined add-cliutils 5 New 0 Unknown X X  
1 Undefined add-virtio-scsi-attach-volumes 5 New 0 Unknown X X  
1 Undefined append-tags 5 New 0 Unknown     X
1 Undefined block-subtractive-operations 5 New 0 Unknown X X  
1 Undefined cache-manage 5 New 9 Needs Code Review X X  
1 Undefined cache-prefetcher 5 New 0 Unknown X X  
1 Undefined calculate-virtual-size 5 New 0 Unknown   X X
1 Undefined config-reload-without-restart 5 New 0 Unknown X X  
1 Undefined copy-existing-image 5 New 0 Unknown X X  
1 Undefined copy-image-multiple-stores 5 New 0 Unknown X X X
1 Undefined download-from-store 5 New 0 Unknown X X  
1 Undefined import-multi-stores 5 New 5 Started X X X
1 Undefined improve-unshelve-performance 5 New 7 Good progress X X  
1 Undefined instant-caching 5 New 0 Unknown X X  
1 Undefined lazy-update-stores 5 New 0 Unknown X X  
1 Undefined location-uri-prefix 5 New 0 Unknown X X  
1 Undefined log-request-id 5 New 0 Unknown X X  
1 Undefined messages-api 5 New 0 Unknown X X  
1 Undefined migrate-policies-to-secure-rbac 5 New 0 Unknown   X X
1 Undefined multi-store-vocabulary-correction 5 New 0 Unknown X X  
1 Undefined multi-store-vocabulary-correction 5 New 0 Unknown X X  
1 Undefined multi-store-vocabulary-correction 5 New 0 Unknown X X  
1 Undefined multiple-cinder-backend-support 5 New 0 Unknown X X  
1 Undefined policy-compare-kind-with-match 5 New 0 Unknown X X  
1 Undefined policy-support-for-specific-metadata-keys 5 New 0 Unknown X X  
1 Undefined purge-all-rows. 5 New 0 Unknown     X
1 Undefined restrict-instance-migration 5 New 0 Unknown X X  
1 Undefined rethinking-filesystem-access 5 New 0 Unknown X X  
1 Undefined six-removal 5 New 0 Unknown     X
1 Undefined store-id-strategy 5 New 0 Unknown X X  
1 Undefined update-to-latest-websockify 5 New 0 Unknown      
1 Undefined vnc-configurable-share-policy 5 New 0 Unknown X X