Blueprints involving Joseph Mills

150 of 71 results
Priority Blueprint Design Delivery Assignee
5 Essential alpha 0 Approved 3 Needs Infrastructure Joseph Mills
5 Essential debian-package 0 Approved 6 Slow progress Joseph Mills
5 Essential new-site 1 Pending Approval 3 Needs Infrastructure Ricardo N Feliciano
5 Essential bzr+branch 3 Drafting 0 Unknown Seth Nash
5 Essential shell-dash 3 Drafting 7 Good progress U2t
5 Essential branding 4 Discussion 5 Started
5 Essential root 4 Discussion 7 Good progress Joseph Mills
5 Essential upsource-dev 4 Discussion 7 Good progress Joseph Mills
5 Essential shell-launcher 5 New 6 Slow progress U2t
4 High sites-enabled 2 Review 8 Beta Available Joseph Mills
4 High dovecot 3 Drafting 7 Good progress Joseph Mills
4 High ssl 3 Drafting 8 Beta Available Joseph Mills
4 High wiki 3 Drafting 1 Not started Seth Nash
4 High live-cd 4 Discussion 0 Unknown stlsaint
4 High mail 4 Discussion 7 Good progress Joseph Mills
4 High contol 5 New 5 Started Joseph Mills
4 High downloads 5 New 7 Good progress Joseph Mills
3 Medium preinst 0 Approved 5 Started Joseph Mills
3 Medium postinst 2 Review 5 Started Joseph Mills
3 Medium debconf 3 Drafting 6 Slow progress Joseph Mills
3 Medium dns 3 Drafting 6 Slow progress Joseph Mills
3 Medium moduals 3 Drafting 6 Slow progress Joseph Mills
3 Medium apache 4 Discussion 8 Beta Available Joseph Mills
3 Medium file-transfer 4 Discussion 3 Needs Infrastructure Joseph Mills
3 Medium mythfrontend-qml-ui 4 Discussion 7 Good progress Joseph Mills
3 Medium postfix 4 Discussion 7 Good progress Joseph Mills
3 Medium ubuntucss 4 Discussion 3 Needs Infrastructure Joseph Mills
3 Medium unity2d-shell 4 Discussion 3 Needs Infrastructure U2t
3 Medium artwork 5 New 0 Unknown
3 Medium main 5 New 0 Unknown U2t
3 Medium ubiquity 5 New 0 Unknown
3 Medium unity2d-spread 5 New 0 Unknown U2t
2 Low inc 2 Review 9 Needs Code Review Joseph Mills
2 Low make 2 Review 8 Beta Available Joseph Mills
2 Low cms 3 Drafting 3 Needs Infrastructure Joseph Mills
2 Low debiancontol 3 Drafting 5 Started Joseph Mills
2 Low juju-implant 3 Drafting 3 Needs Infrastructure Joseph Mills
2 Low lens 3 Drafting 0 Unknown U2t
2 Low nginx 3 Drafting 3 Needs Infrastructure Joseph Mills
2 Low ssh 3 Drafting 2 Deferred Joseph Mills
2 Low ubuntu-christian-edition 3 Drafting 3 Needs Infrastructure
2 Low pchart2 4 Discussion 8 Beta Available Joseph Mills
2 Low php-mailer 4 Discussion 8 Beta Available Joseph Mills
2 Low panel-indicators 5 New 0 Unknown U2t
2 Low unity2d-panel 5 New 0 Unknown U2t
1 Undefined community-q-ubuntu-tv-involvement 0 Approved 0 Unknown
1 Undefined community-q-upstream-outreach 0 Approved 0 Unknown Michael Hall
1 Undefined dryden 3 Drafting 7 Good progress Joseph Mills
1 Undefined exrental 3 Drafting 0 Unknown
1 Undefined flow 3 Drafting 0 Unknown
150 of 71 results