Blueprints for Dapper
Priority | Blueprint | Design | Delivery | Assignee | Milestone |
5 Essential | dapper-desktop-plan | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Sebastien Bacher | |
5 Essential | dapper-release-process | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Matt Zimmerman | |
5 Essential | gdm-keyboard-layout | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Sebastien Bacher | |
5 Essential | ubuntu-express | 0 Approved | 12 Informational | Colin Watson | |
5 Essential | ubuntu-express-base-system | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Colin Watson | |
5 Essential | ubuntu-express-bootloader | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Colin Watson | |
5 Essential | ubuntu-express-copy-filesystem | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Colin Watson | |
5 Essential | ue-gnome-ui | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Colin Watson | |
5 Essential | ue-language-packs | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Colin Watson | |
4 High | automated-testing | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Ian Jackson | |
4 High | belocs-locales | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Martin Pitt | |
4 High | best-practices-bugs | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Daniel Holbach | |
4 High | default-applications-firefox | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Ian Jackson | |
4 High | example-content | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Henrik Nilsen Omma | |
4 High | hardware-activation | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Scott James Remnant (Canonical) | |
4 High | hardware-detection | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Scott James Remnant (Canonical) | |
4 High | hide-admin-tools-to-users | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Sebastien Bacher | |
4 High | kernel-roadmap-dapper | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Ben Collins | |
4 High | kubuntu-express | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Jonathan Riddell | |
4 High | kubuntu-roadmap-dapper | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Jonathan Riddell | |
4 High | media-integrity-check | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Tollef Fog Heen | |
4 High | menus-revised | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Sebastien Bacher | |
4 High | network-magic | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Scott James Remnant (Canonical) | |
4 High | newer-hotplug-subsystem | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Ben Collins | |
4 High | openoffice-gnome | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Matthias Klose | |
4 High | power-management-configuration | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Daniel Silverstone | |
4 High | reducing-duplication | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Adam Conrad | |
4 High | release-upgrades | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Michael Vogt | |
4 High | server-candy | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Ubuntu Server | |
4 High | simplified-livecd | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Tollef Fog Heen | |
4 High | simplify-kde | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Jonathan Riddell | |
4 High | test-plans | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Daniel Holbach | |
4 High | testing-server-hardware | 0 Approved | 6 Slow progress | Malcolm Yates | |
4 High | thinclient-faster-startup | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Oliver Grawert | |
4 High | third-party-packages | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Michael Vogt | |
4 High | udev-roadmap | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Scott James Remnant (Canonical) | |
4 High | video-playback | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Sebastien Bacher | |
4 High | x-roadmap | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Daniel Stone | |
4 High | zeroconf-avahi | 6 Superseded | 2 Deferred | Trent Lloyd | |
3 Medium | better-wiki-docs | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Henrik Nilsen Omma | |
3 Medium | boot-from-usb | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Fabio Massimo Di Nitto | |
3 Medium | cd-bootloader | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Colin Watson | |
3 Medium | cd-build-process | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Colin Watson | |
3 Medium | default-apt-sources | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Michael Vogt | |
3 Medium | faster-gnome-startup | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Sebastien Bacher | |
3 Medium | firewall | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Martin Pitt | |
3 Medium | gstreamer-audio-backend | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Martin Pitt | |
3 Medium | initramfs-updates | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Adam Conrad | |
3 Medium | installer-volume-management | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Fabio Massimo Di Nitto | |
3 Medium | kubuntu-documentation | 0 Approved | 11 Implemented | Jonathan Riddell |
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