Blueprint assignments for “Gutsy”

This listing shows the assignment of work for blueprints currently associated with Gutsy. The drafter is responsible for getting the specification correctly written up and approved. The approver is usually the person who would sign off on the specification.

164 of 64 specifications
Priority Name Definition Delivery Assignee Drafter Approver
4 High apport-synaptic-integration 0 Approved 10 Deployment Michael Vogt Michael Vogt Scott James Remnant (Canonical)
4 High Automated testing running on the archive 0 Approved 11 Implemented Ian Jackson Ian Jackson Scott James Remnant (Canonical)
4 High Updating the Maintainer: field relative to Debian 0 Approved 11 Implemented Martin Pitt Matt Zimmerman Matt Zimmerman
4 High Free Flash 0 Approved 11 Implemented Alexander Sack Alexander Sack Colin Watson
4 High Kubuntu System Settings for KDE 4 0 Approved 11 Implemented Michael D. Stemle, Jr. Jonathan Riddell Scott James Remnant (Canonical)
4 High Kubuntu gutsy plan 0 Approved 11 Implemented Jonathan Riddell Jonathan Riddell Scott James Remnant (Canonical)
4 High Ubuntu Mobile Application Framework 0 Approved 11 Implemented Tollef Fog Heen Tollef Fog Heen Registry Administrators
4 High Ubuntu Mobile - 2D & 3D Graphics for Intel MID chipset 0 Approved 11 Implemented Don Johnson Charlie Johnson Registry Administrators
4 High Ubuntu Mobile and Embedded - Image creation tools 0 Approved 11 Implemented John L. Villalovos Rusty Lynch Registry Administrators
4 High Ubuntu Mobile and Embedded - Window Manager 0 Approved 11 Implemented Tollef Fog Heen Adilson Oliveira Registry Administrators
4 High 7.3 0 Approved 11 Implemented Bryce Harrington Bryce Harrington Colin Watson
4 High Ubuntu without restricted 2 Review 8 Beta Available Evan Colin Watson Matt Zimmerman
4 High Compositing window management (compiz/beryl) 3 Drafting 10 Deployment Michael Vogt Robert Carr Scott James Remnant (Canonical)
4 High Ubuntu Mobile and Embedded - User Interface 3 Drafting 7 Good progress Bob Spencer Bob Spencer
4 High Ubuntu Mobile Browser 4 Discussion 11 Implemented Alexander Sack Bob Spencer Registry Administrators
4 High Ubuntu Mobile Media Player 4 Discussion 7 Good progress Bob Spencer Bob Spencer
4 High Ubuntu Mobile Utilities 4 Discussion 11 Implemented ToddBrandt ToddBrandt Registry Administrators
3 Medium AppArmor plans for Gutsy 0 Approved 11 Implemented Mathias Gug Mathias Gug Rick Clark
3 Medium Boot and login with no free disk space 0 Approved 11 Implemented Ian Jackson Sebastien Bacher Scott James Remnant (Canonical)
3 Medium More robust configuration of the X server 0 Approved 11 Implemented Bryce Harrington Bryce Harrington Colin Watson
3 Medium Conflicts / Replaces Checker 0 Approved 7 Good progress Michael Vogt Robert Collins Scott James Remnant (Canonical)
3 Medium Consistent and Easy to Use Login Screen and Unlock Screensaver 0 Approved 11 Implemented Ian Jackson Ian Jackson Scott James Remnant (Canonical)
3 Medium GTK Display configuration tool based on guidance 0 Approved 11 Implemented Sebastian Heinlein Bryce Harrington Colin Watson
3 Medium improve firefox add-on support in ubuntu 0 Approved 8 Beta Available Alexander Sack Alexander Sack Colin Watson
3 Medium Proper operation after disk full situation is resolved 0 Approved 7 Good progress Ian Jackson Ian Jackson Scott James Remnant (Canonical)
3 Medium Kubuntu Accessibility Keyboard 0 Approved 11 Implemented Anthony Mercatante Anthony Mercatante Scott James Remnant (Canonical)
3 Medium Kubuntu Dolphin by Default 0 Approved 11 Implemented Anthony Mercatante Jonathan Riddell Scott James Remnant (Canonical)
3 Medium Kubuntu Gutsy Guidance 0 Approved 2 Deferred Sebastian Kügler Jonathan Riddell Scott James Remnant (Canonical)
3 Medium Kubuntu Remove Media Safely 0 Approved 11 Implemented Frode M. Døving Jonathan Riddell Scott James Remnant (Canonical)
3 Medium Ubuntu Mobile and Embedded - Build infrastructure 0 Approved 8 Beta Available
3 Medium Ubuntu Mobile GNOME Components 0 Approved 11 Implemented Tollef Fog Heen Bob Spencer Registry Administrators
3 Medium Mobile HW Accelerated Video Decode 0 Approved 1 Not started Charlie Johnson WaldoBastian
3 Medium Restricted Manager Improvements 0 Approved 11 Implemented Martin Pitt Martin Pitt Scott James Remnant (Canonical)
3 Medium Define more basic server installation types 0 Approved 11 Implemented Soren Hansen Colin Watson Rick Clark
3 Medium upgrade-pre-requisites 0 Approved 11 Implemented Michael Vogt Michael Vogt Scott James Remnant (Canonical)
3 Medium Partially or fully automated installations using Ubiquity 1 Pending Approval 11 Implemented Evan Colin Watson Matt Zimmerman
3 Medium Include merge of gs-esp and gs-gpl in Ubuntu 5 New 11 Implemented Till Kamppeter Colin Watson
3 Medium LTS release plan 5 New 12 Informational Matt Zimmerman Mark Shuttleworth
3 Medium Ubuntu Mobile and Embedded - Version Control System 7 Obsolete 0 Unknown Adilson Oliveira Matt Zimmerman Registry Administrators
2 Low Improve the quality of apport-retrace stacktraces 0 Approved 11 Implemented Martin Pitt Martin Pitt Scott James Remnant (Canonical)
2 Low Apport crash duplicate detection 0 Approved 11 Implemented Martin Pitt Martin Pitt Scott James Remnant (Canonical)
2 Low Making apport useful for upstreams 0 Approved 11 Implemented Martin Pitt Martin Pitt Scott James Remnant (Canonical)
2 Low Best practices for packaging with bzr 0 Approved 12 Informational Martin Pitt Martin Pitt Scott James Remnant (Canonical)
2 Low Color Filters 0 Approved 11 Implemented Guillaume Seguin Henrik Nilsen Omma Colin Watson
2 Low Crash reporting 0 Approved 11 Implemented Martin Pitt Martin Pitt Scott James Remnant (Canonical)
2 Low dpkg triggers feature 0 Approved 8 Beta Available Ian Jackson Ian Jackson Scott James Remnant (Canonical)
2 Low more user-friendly recovery 0 Approved 11 Implemented desrt desrt Martin Pitt
2 Low ISO test tracker 0 Approved 11 Implemented Stéphane Graber Henrik Nilsen Omma Colin Watson
2 Low kubuntu-bluetooth 0 Approved 11 Implemented Anthony Mercatante Anthony Mercatante Scott James Remnant (Canonical)
2 Low Kubuntu Kiosktool 0 Approved 11 Implemented Jonathan Riddell Jonathan Riddell Scott James Remnant (Canonical)
2 Low Incorporate the Lupin project within Ubuntu 0 Approved 11 Implemented Colin Watson Agostino Russo Colin Watson
2 Low Ubuntu Mobile and Embedded - Maemo Packaging Cleanup 0 Approved 7 Good progress Matt Zimmerman
2 Low Strigi Integration 0 Approved 8 Beta Available Jonathan Riddell Jonathan Riddell Scott James Remnant (Canonical)
2 Low System cleanup 0 Approved 8 Beta Available Michael Vogt Michael Vogt Scott James Remnant (Canonical)
2 Low OEM installation using Ubiquity 0 Approved 11 Implemented Colin Watson Colin Watson Matt Zimmerman
2 Low Usplash polish 0 Approved 0 Unknown Dennis Kaarsemaker Dennis Kaarsemaker Scott James Remnant (Canonical)
2 Low Winmodems need be supported out of the box 0 Approved 11 Implemented Ian Jackson Ian Jackson Scott James Remnant (Canonical)
2 Low Make ntfs read/write support a reality in ubuntu 0 Approved 11 Implemented Florent Mertens Colin Watson
2 Low Virtual machine on CD 6 Superseded 1 Not started Henrik Nilsen Omma Colin Watson Scott James Remnant (Canonical)
2 Low buglog 7 Obsolete 7 Good progress Henrik Nilsen Omma Colin Watson
2 Low Power Management specification for Ubuntu 7 Obsolete 6 Slow progress Amit Kucheria Amit Kucheria Registry Administrators
1 Undefined Udev and synthetic block devices - rework for gutsy 3 Drafting 11 Implemented Scott James Remnant (Canonical) Scott James Remnant (Canonical)
1 Undefined Network Manager Gutsy review 5 New 11 Implemented Alexander Sack Alexander Sack Scott James Remnant (Canonical)
1 Undefined Make grub know which disks are which so we can boot 7 Obsolete 6 Slow progress Ubuntu Kernel Team Tim Gardner Scott James Remnant (Canonical)
164 of 64 specifications